Gynaecology & Fertility Ultrasound
Dr O’Hara has performed thousands of gynaecology scans, both transabdominally (across the lower abdomen) and trans-vaginally (internally).
This serves as an excellent additional tool to patients, in order to diagnose rapidly the presence of ovarian cysts, fibroids, polycystic ovarian syndrome. In addition, ultrasound can detect the presence and correct location of the Mirena and copper coil in cases where the coil strings cannot be felt or seen on physical examination.
Ultrasound is an excellent means of tracking fertility prior to IVF and other procedures, by tracking the number and size of follicles in the ovaries, which can be done at Castlepollard Medical Centre.
While ultrasound is not a widely used screening tool to diagnose ovarian cancer, it is an excellent tool to assess the endometrium (inner lining of the womb) in post-menopausal women who are experiencing bleeding. Any menopausal woman experiencing bleeding should seek medical advice and have an ultrasound of the womb performed, which is quick and simple. If the measurement is beyond a certain value, specialist gynaecological advice should be sought.