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Our Services

We strive to offer same-day appointments for acute illnesses such as sore throats, chest and urinary infections, and for those in pain.

All consultations are by appointment only, except in the case of an emergency.

To arrange an appointment, please call the surgery at 044 9661235. Should you need to cancel an appointment, please contact the surgery at your earliest convenience so we can offer your time slot to another patient.

Patients may choose to participate in the Combined Ante-Natal Care Scheme: ante-natal visits alternate between your GP and the hospital of your choice. These visits are free for all women once you sign up at your initial visit – consultations for any other medical issues are not covered by this scheme, nor are prescriptions (in the case of private patients). Certain pregnancies might not be suitable for combined care. We are also happy to discuss with you how you choose to feed your baby.

The following shows the schedule of allowed visits:

  • Week 16 to 20 Hospital Visit (to include ultrasound and blood tests).
  • Week 24 G.P.
  • Week 30 G.P.
  • Week 32 Hospital
  • Week 34 G.P.
  • Week 36 Hospital
  • Week 37 G.P.
  • Week 38 Hospital
  • Week 39 G.P.
  • Week 40 Hospital

As well as seeing you during your pregnancy, all babies should be seen by the Nurse at 2 weeks where the nurse will also go through the baby vaccination program with you.  The GP will see both Mum and Baby at 6 weeks.

A large number of people who have normal blood pressure may register high readings in the surgery. The BP monitor is worn for 24 hours, and automatically records your blood pressure as you go about your day.

It confirms if you have high blood pressure, or are normal, and therefore whether or not drug therapy is required (which would usually be life-long).

Aisling Farrell

Aisling has many years of experience, and attends every Tuesday at the Castlepollard Medical Practice. 

To make an appointment with Aisling phone her directly on 087 2548290

At Castlepollard Medical Practice we offer a range of blood tests.

These can be performed to diagnose a wide variety of illnesses, or as part of monitoring of your condition and treatment.

This a quick and simple test which should detect the presence of HPV virus, which is linked to pre-cancerous/cancerous changes within the cervix.  For more information please visit or phone Cervical Check on 1850 45 45 55.

Vaccinations are very important for the health of your baby.

All routine childhood immunizations are available, and are free of charge.

The recommended vaccines are given at 2, 4, 6, 12 and 13 months.

We can advise patients on types and suitability of various contraceptive methods. The full range of contraceptive methods is available, including both Mirena and Implanon insertion services; currently, however, we refer those requesting a vasectomy. If you need an appointment for the morning after pill.  In addition, we can perform testing for sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV, Hepatitis B & C, and syphilis) if requested.

Please contact us and we will endeavour to see you that day, as it is more effective the sooner it is given.

Outside normal surgery hours, please contact MIDOC on 1850302702, to arrange an appointment as soon as possible.

We provide a Spirometry service for patients with Asthma, COPD, and other lung conditions.

This is a simple breathing test which helps us diagnose lung problems and decide on appropriate treatment.

In addition to the usual treatments available for a wide variety of skin conditions (for example acne, eczema, psoriasis).

We also offer Cryotherapy (freezing with liquid nitrogen) for a wide range of skin conditions including warts and precancerous skin conditions.

Please Note that this is not covered by the medical card.

Performed for removal of ear wax, where ear-drops have not worked.

When required, Castlepollard Medical Practice can supply you with a driving licence medical and eyesight assessments.

Please note that this services is not covered under the GMS medical card, and a fee will apply.  It is up to the discretion of the GP to certify any patients aged over 70 for either 1 year or 3 years.  Should the need arise, your GP may recommend an on-road assessment for you through the Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA).  A separate fee to the IWA will apply for this assessment.

Where required, we can carry out Pre-employment Medicals at Castlepollard Medical Practice.

This involves;

  1. Full physical examination
  2. 6-lead ECG
  3. Urinalysis and toxicology screen
  4. Visual acuity and colour vision testing
  5. Audiometry assessment

Please note that this service is not available under the GMS medical card scheme, and a fee will apply.

There are many joint conditions amenable to steroid injection therapy (frozen shoulder, hip bursitis, knee arthritis).

This will be performed under sterile conditions within the practice.

Please note that this service is not covered under the GMS medical card, and a reduced fee will apply to medical card holders.

We no longer provide this service, please visit

Certain ‘at risk’ adults might require Flu vaccine (influenza), Pneumococcal vaccine (pneumonia and meningitis), or Tetanus and Diphtheria.

Please enquire with our staff when booking your travels so we can tailor our vaccinations to your needs.